Getting Connected: Who Am I?

Who Am I?

My creative skills-

  • Researching
  • Idea generation
  • Artistic theories
  • Photography, camera techniques
  • Painting and drawing

Skills that need improvement:

  • General graphic design
  • Becoming more confident with photoshop and other software’s
  • Developing photographs in the dark room.

My life skills:

  • Communication
  • General knowledge
  • “Street smart”
  • multitasking / versatile
  • Driving Licence


My job/ part time jobs.
Degree course 5 days a week
3 nights a week youth worker
2 days a week at the Peel Golf Club.

This mean I dont particularly have time for hobbies anymore, but when I was younger I used to go to a drama club, dancing and was in 4 years of pantos. I was always taking my camera, out with friends, on walks or just to photograph anything I saw. I feel as though my mother was my main influence when growing up, she’s is encouraging and hardworking which reflected well on me and I felt as though I was following in her footsteps. If it wasn’t for my mum I’d not be who I am today.

Being a youth worker is the most rewarding job especially when there has been a good session, where everyone joins in the arts and crafts activity or helps with the cooking, but it can obviously have it’s down sides, like when the children start arguing, fighting and having parents getting involved so as you can imagine this becomes quite hard and can take a lot of confidences and encouragement to try and resolve it.

Working at the PGC since I was 14 has meant I have become used to speaking to people, working in both the kitchen and the bar learning to multitask between the two jobs. I work there at the weekends which means I dont have much time left to do my coursework and hobbies. I feel as though I have become more versatile within working these two jobs, going from cooking food to jumping on the bar and pouring drinks.

I left school with 3 GCSE’s, BTEC art I achieved a grade C, BTEC business studies I achieved a C and in Graphic communication I was awarded a B, overall I done ok but I wish I couldve learnt more and studied harder because once I left I wanted to go straight into Level 3 diploma in art and design at the UCM, but since I didnt have 4 GSCE’s I had to study for a year doing half art and design and half was re sitting my math and english. I found this year very stressful, it was hard adjusting to the new learning format that college has compared to high school, and making new friends was never a strong point of mine. I actually struggled really hard this first year but managed to pass the art side with a double Merit which meant that if I got Math or English I could move onto the level 3 course, unfortunaly I did not end up passing either Math or English, so I continued studying them on a night course instead.
In the end of 2016 I was excited to start back at college, achieving a grade C in Math and B in English which meant I could be fully engaged with art, the thing I am most interested in.
In addition to this I am very determined and I am a dedicated student, who likes to try stay organised and keep work under control. In my first and second year of my level 3 course I achieved a distinction for both, which I feel as though I deserved for the hard work I put into the final major projects.

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