Public sculptures- Typography based

Sculptures/Art, Bus advertising, signage for companies and businesses, tourist attractions and so on.

Robert Clark

“Like many metal artworks designed to stand out in the open, the IMA’s LOVE sculpture is made from Cor-ten steel, an alloy that weathers to a rich, slightly iridescent, purplish-brown patina after years of seasonal changes. The sculpture measures 12′ x 12′ x 6′ and has recently undergone a structural and aesthetic restoration.”
“Robert Indiana (formerly Robert Clark) first expressed the essential iconography of “LOVE” in 1958 but it wasn’t until 1964 that the image garnered wide public notice, via a Christmas card commissioned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. One of the first three-dimensional LOVE sculptures has stood, since 1970, in front of the Indianapolis Museum of Art.”

I feel as though this sculpture has great elements, it looks as though it can be moved easily without a fear of it being broken or damaged within the process. Its split complementary colour scheme works nicely and fits in well with its surroundings.

Iamsterdam is a great example for a typographic sculpture. Its iconic and simple. It has a simple but appealing colour scheme. The red looks quite bold contrasting with the bright white. From the angle it shows the sign being similar shape and form as the buildings behind.


A giant bus stop in Baltimore, giving the community something more interesting than a boring old bus shelter. I feel as though this works well as a public sculpture and has two purposes, one being interactive for the viewers and the other purpose is simply just displaying some interesting artwork for the people of Baltimore to enjoy on a day to day basis.


“This week is the last chance to see Ben Long’s Work Scaffolding Sculpture in situ at the base of the Gherkin in London, prior to de-installation on 30th August 2014 at the request of the receivers of 30 St Mary Axe.”

I chose this sculpture to show a difference in material, this design being quite linear, and abstract. I struggled at first glance to read what it says, which contrasts with the other two designs, I feel as though “love” sign is part of the Pop art movement, I know this from its colours and type face they’ve chosen. whereas the “bus” and scaffolding sculpture are quite modern and contemporary. Bus sculpture appears rustic and urban with the wooden material throughout, comparing to the scaffold piece, which is made from coloured scaffolding, primary colours blue and red.


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