Getting Connected: Art Heroes

Art Heroes-

Tim Burton:

I have always loved movies/TV ever since I was a child, I used to watch Disney movies especially Tim Burton Movies! Burton movies are brilliant, he created many family/kids films while also creating sickly, kind of gruesome films too, such as Sweeny Todd, Sleepy Hallow, Edward scissor hands and much more. Tim Burton has a consistent style within his movies and animations. He has a distinctive style with his characters, so stylied that if you saw a character from one of his films you would recognise that it was his art. I feel as though Tim Burton inspired me a lot throughout my level 3 (two year course), for the first year I focused more on character design in the 3D workshop, which was mainly inspired by his characters and his movies. For my final major piece in first year of level three I had written a project that focused on fears and phobias, which then developed into a stop motion animation. I found this project really fun and productive and I would like to possibly remake/ re design this at a later date.

Character design and style



Attention to detail

Wide audience

Image result for tim burton movies

William Eggleston:

Since coming to college I have explored and researched about more contextual artists/ photographers, such as Eggleston. Eggleston an American photographer who photographed portraits, landscapes and anything with a colourful combination. I really like his twilight photography, where you can see the mixture of lighting and colours within the scene. Documenting life in his home town. I was inspired by Eggleston and many others for my second year final major piece (a project about Manx Life), a brief in which I went around the island taking photographs of Manx life, focusing mainly on farming.Image result for Eggleston






Richard Pullar;

While Researching I found a recent photographer called Richard Pullar, who creates photos of food/drink/products but styled in a more creative way. They are composed in a dynamic way with added details to help exaggerate, emphasise and communicate properly to his audience. The image below uses contrasting colours to appear more eye catching, he has composed the image to show a womens hands holding the drink, wearing a set of gold coloured rings and her nails painted which to me appeals to women more, looking more appealing to a feminine audience. I feel as though this kind of image would be a poster/canvas on a cocktail bar wall or bar, or possibly a tv advert for a new drink or bar. This image also relates well to my zine project.






Attention to detail


Chris Killip:

A Manx photographer. For my final major project on second year of level three I planned to photograph the island capturing its characters and beautiful scenery. One artist I researched was Chris Killip, he used a black and white film camera to capture his images, creating an old aesthetic feel which I adored. Killip had produced several books about his photographs, His Isle of Man books appealed to me most; one of his Isle of Man books had a photograph of an old family friend, and this inspired me to try recreate one of Killip’s. This was one of the best projects throughout my  years at college, I felt like I achieved so much from it.



Old aesthetic/Black and white film



Richard Wadey:

Another portrait, environment photographer who takes photographs of everyday people either at work or in their own homes which to me seems much like Chris Killip’s but with a modernised approach, using digital cameras. I think I like how it seems more  community based, like the groups of people in Killips photos. The way the photos have been composed, using reflection, lens flares, lighting, the environment and the natural elements in the foreground.



Visual Texture/details




Seth MacFarlane:

my life revolves around TV, more specifically comedy sitcoms, such as Family Guy and American Dad. I guess growing up I didn’t really think about how it was produced but since starting college I have begun to think more film/animation, and whether this would be a good route. I have touched on both 2D and 3D animation, with skills in 3D model making too. I am interested in trying animation again but to a higher standard, perhaps a more professional finish. There is more than just animation with Seth Macfarlane, he not only created the show (Family Guy) but he is also the voice actor for many of his characters; he is quite a talented man in my opinion.

Image result for seth macfarlane characters


Character Design

The Production

Comedy/ Sitcom


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