Emotive Photography

Joel-Peter Witkin is a subjective photographer that produces gruesome images targeting death and corpses. He has a weird outlook on his photography, using malformed body parts in a dark setting, appearing quite mad and sick. I think this can relate to my title sequence production as it is a dark and eerie setting and he uses bodies and skulls which relates well with my horror movie idea. I will evaluate his outcomes and find the most relevant and helpful.

Christopher Mckenney is a newer artist I came across while researching emotive photography, (the second image, hands through window) even though they appear quite staged they still have elements in which I can influence my own work. I think this image works well and has a strong composition. It has lots of details within the shot, the detail from the wooden barn,  how the trees appear sharp and wiry, it also looks like the trees are trapping the barn. There’s  a nice colour across the whole of the image, like a gradient almost which I would suggest is an after effect.

Don Mccullin who is 1960’s photojournalist who shot images of the war describing the pain, grief and real life. That’s the difference with this photography, it is not staged or set up like Witkin or Mckenney, it shows raw emotion in the real world which are then used in news reports, or documentaries about war. I like the use of black and white, I feel as though this is something I can take further into my own project, black and white can disguise blood to look less shocking or vivid. It can also describe an old setting and distort any colours you don’t practically want in the video/photograph.


joel witkinmckenneythbbh1zt5s

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